Need 2u thick PZT etching with minimum undercut (<1u)
Rajib mukherjee
Hi all,
I am trying to make PZT/Pt/Cr/SiO2/Si with a 2u thick PZT. The problem is
the feature size I have is 10u wide and etching PZT with normal wet
etchant gives a huge undercut,So I have to use a very thick resist (20u) and
achieving a 10u feature size on such resist is really a problem. I am using
AZ 9260 for the purpose. I have an option of using a negative resist with a
dark field mask but am not sure whether this would help (I have SU8 but I
would need to strip it too). Anyone having an experience in this field,
please suggest some solution to this problem in an optimized high resolution
thick resist deposition.Any alternate etchant of PZT which gives minimal
undercut with a thin resist will also do the job. Any help would be greatly
Rajib Mukherjee