I used an ammonium peroxydisulfate as selective etchant of copper in order to
release my electrodeposited nickel.
The first time, it worked very well
Now, with some change in the bath composition, and current density applied, I
find that nickel etches very quickly. I suppose then that either one element in
my bath or the microstructure of the nickel has a big effect on the competition
between the etching rate of copper and nickel
but maybe you have some more clever thoughts about that?
Dr Laetitia Philippe
Electrochemistry and Micro-patterning Group
>>> [email protected] 08/30 10:25 pm >>>
I have used the same process as you require--Electroplating Ni on Cu/Cr and
etching Cu/Cr with nickel intact. Use Nanostrip to selectively etch Cu/Cr
without etching Ni. It does a very good job.Took me around 2-3 mins for
200nm of Cu on 50nm of Cr.