Hi Paul,
It looks like they used a Finite Element Analysis program for the field
calculation. There are several free packages you might consider using. I've used
Quick Field (www.quickfield.com) in the past. It is a 2-D program but it can
apply cylindrical or rectangular symmetry conditions.
>>> [email protected] 09/14/05 5:35 PM >>>
Dear all,
I have an issue concerning field emission:
Issue/our aim
Using the FN model and a "Saturn model" developed by Jensen [1] derive the
electron distribution of J(theta) against theta to get something like, see
The problem is I can not calculate the electric field around the emitter tip
for our devices; I'm afraid I'm confused with the 'Saturn model' and was
hoping someone could direct me towards some papers that contain this (I'm
currently using some lecture notes I found through Google for a Beam Physics
Course taught by Jensen).
I very much hope someone on MEM's can help and I look forward to hearing
from you,
[1] Jensen, An Introduction to Electron Emission Physics And Applications,
Lecture note for course "Beam Physics Course" 2005.
P.s. I've contacted Jensen with the same request, but I've had no reply