Hi Erkin,
Thanks a lot for your answer!
In the preparation of my indium I use acetone+IPA cleaning and HCl cleaning
followed by rinsing in water..... do you think that can introduce trapped
gas? If I want to try to do the reflow under vaccum..... from the cleaning
of my sample in the HCl till the introduction of the sample in the vaccum
chamber, some indium oxide can be formed that will difficult the reflow. Do
you have any hint on how to realize that? In order to let the indium degass,
should I keep it at the reflow T for a long time under vaccum? What sort of
time would you recommend?
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Erkin Seker [mailto:[email protected]]
Envoye : Friday, September 16, 2005 1:24 PM
Objet : Re: [mems-talk] Indium solder voiding problem
hi sonia,
i wonder if your preraparation before the flip-chip is introducing trapped
gas in indium. you may even be getting trapped gas while plating. maybe
you can try to reflow under vacuum, or even try to bond under vacuum to
degas the indium.
perhaps it may help.
good luck.