It depends on your simulation approach. If you are using a sequential =
coupled field analysis, multifield solver or ESSOLV macro, then you must =
mesh the air volume with a electrostatic element. ANSYS will never =
assume unmeshed volume as a air region. For the air as a dielectric =
medium, you set a relative permittivity to 1.=20
If you are using a transducer element (TRANS126 ) for the simulation, =
then the air volume need not be modeled. You will find many examples on =
this topic in the ANSYS documentation under the chapter 'Coupled Field =
Balasaheb Kawade
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Texas Tech University
From: [email protected] on behalf of maryala shivakumar
Sent: Sat 9/17/2005 6:41 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mems-talk] Material property ANSYS
I am simulating a capacitor in ANSYS, which has two plates which are =
meshed. In between these two plates i am having some volumes which are =
not meshed and also not assigned any material properties.
Can ANSYS assumes this unmeshed volume region as a air ? if not what are =
the material properties of this unmeshed region.
Thank you vrey much