The following references regard mostly direct bonding, but much of
this is useful for adhesive bonding as well:
'Semiconductor Wafer Bonding' by Tong and Gvsele, ISBN 0-471-57481-3,
serves well as a tutorial-type book. The edited books 'Silicon Wafer
Bonding technology' edited by Iyer and Auberton-Hervi, ISBN
0-85296-039-5 and 'Wafer bonding' edited by Alexe and Gvsele, ISBN
3-540-21049-0, together covers the application field quite well,
although they do not introduce much new knowledge as the
contributions overall have been published as journal articles
elsewhere. The review article 'Wafer direct bonding: tailoring
adhesion between brittle materials' by Plv_l and Krduter, Material
science and engineering: R Reports, R25 (1999) 1-88, is, in my
opinion, still the best introduction to, and overview of, the wafer
bonding technology.
Regarding adhesion quantification methods for wafer bonding, please
see our recent review:
Vallin, V., K. Jonsson, and U. Lindberg, Adhesion quantification
methods for wafer bonding. Materials Science and Engineering R:
Reports, 2005. 50(4-5): p. 109-165.
These references deal more specific with testing of adhesive joints:
1. Blackman, B., et al., The calculation of adhesive
fracture energies from double-cantilever beam test specimens. Journal
of Materials Science Letters, 1991. 10(5): p. 253-6.
2. Blackman, B. and A. Kinloch, Fracture tests on
structural adhesive joints, in Fracture mechanics testing methods for
polymers, adhesives and composites, D. Moore, A. Pavan, and J.G.
Williams, Editors. 2001, Elsevier: Amsterdam. p. 225-267.
3. Blackman, B.R.K., A.J. Kinloch, and M. Paraschi, The
effect of the substrate material on the value of the adhesive
fracture energy, Gc: further considerations. Journal of Materials
Science Letters, 2001. 20(3): p. 265-7.
4. Blackman, B.R.K., et al., Measuring the mode I adhesive
fracture energy, GIc, of structural adhesive joints: The results of
an international round-robin. International Journal of Adhesion and
Adhesives, 2003. 23(4): p. 293-305.
5. Hashemi, S., A.J. Kinloch, and J.G. Williams,
Corrections needed in double-cantilever beam tests for assessing the
interlaminar failure of fibre-composites. Journal of Materials
Science Letters, 1989. 8(2): p. 125-9.
Sincerely yours,
Vrjan Vallin
> Hi all!
> I am trying to gather some references for wafer level adhesive
> bonding. Can
> anyone tell me how much bonding strength is good? Or How does anyone
> determine good bond stength value?
> Thanks in advance.
> Vikram
Dr Orjan Vallin
Uppsala University
The Angstrom Laboratory
Solid State Electronics
Box 534, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +46-18-4717254
Fax: +46-18-555095