STS advanced oxide etching system in our facility did this job with either
photoresist or metal mask. Pyrex can be etched with a rate of ~0.3-0.5um per
minute. A couple of microns deep should be no problem.
Good luck,
Hongjun Zeng, PhD
MEMS/Nano Scientist
Nanotechnology Core Facility
(NCF formerly MAL)
University of Illinois at Chicago
3064 ERF Building
842 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60607
Tel. 312-355-1259, Fax: 312-413-0447
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
On Behalf Of sokwon Paik
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:10 PM
To: General MEMS discussion
Subject: [mems-talk] Wet etching? Dry etching?
I need to etch out Pyrex glass for 1-5 micro meter.
If the aspect ratio is good then I'll do 5 micro meter and if the aspect
ratio is bad then I'll etch only 1 micro meter or 100nm is OK.......
Could anybody tell me your dry etching ratio and wet etching ratio for
Pyrex glass?
I'll cover the wafer with S1818 which is not intended to etch out. I
wonder whether RIE or wet etching do not attack the S1818 layer also.....