I just use RIE to etch most oxides in SF6 and a Ni mask doesn't really dry
etch with any chemistry.
"Ay, F. (Feridun)" wrote:
> Dear all,
> We are trying to etch sputtered films such as Y2O3 and Al2O3 for a
> thickness of about 1 micron. We plan to use chlorine chemistry in our
> RIE (Plasmalab System 100 ICP) for that purpose. Related to this task we
> would appreciate any feedback on the following issues: Any starting
> parameters for RF power, ICP power, specific gases that could enhance
> the etching.
> Moreover, as a mask material we consider using Ni. Any figures of
> selectivity would be helpful. If someone has the etch rate difference
> between the sputtered and evaporated Ni films this would be very helpful
> as well.
> Thanks in advance.