CF4 which gives 4 fluorine radicals. Or SF6 which gives 6 fluorine =
radicals and is faster. But SF6 gives S with O2 gives SO2 with moisture =
H2O you get H2SO3, sulphurous acid. This can hurt without suitable =
protection you can eat the vacuum pump. We did about 15 years ago one =
customer running 100% SF6 eat his vacuum pump in 13 months. We can =
protect against this with an oil filter on the pump. Contact medirectly =
for more info. I am in Japan for this week so I may not answer =
immediately. Bill Moffat at [email protected] or 408 954 =
8353, or 408 590 4577 when I get back.=20
From: [email protected] on behalf of Jauniskis, Linas
Sent: Fri 2/17/2006 12:00 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mems-talk] plasma etch gas for glass, silicon
Could someone recommend standard plasma etch gasses for glass and