Hi all.,
generally in my case after etching in Bufferd HF.,it
creates a surface roughness which is usually few
Angstroms (100 - 120 A) for etching 1500 A film.
So, i dont think etching by bufffered HF creates rough
surface thereby the light exposure may get scattered.
You can try with agitation to get more of a smooth
surface.I tried this before and got a smoother surface
(u can read the smoothness by surface profilometer)
Pls. Others share their views to confirm this.
--- Zuraini Dahari wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using silicon nitride as the masking
> material.
> I've checked the previous emails that 400-500A
> should be sufficient in my case.
> However I've got 2000A of silicon nitride on a
> silicon wafer.
> I am aware that HF and H3PO4 could etch the
> nitride layer.
> I'm planning to etch out 1500 A of the nitride
> layer before any lithography and etc.
> My concern is, will the etching has any negative
> impact to other process later on?
> Really appreciate for any help.
> -newcomer-