Hi Bob, Michael, Thomas and all other
just to make sure that you understood me correct. I have totally no
problem to answer questions to newbies, even "basic" questions. In fact
working at a university implies to answer a bunch of (sometimes even
"low-end") questions every single day. No problem at all. ;) As I said,
I'm more a reader to this list (due to the fact, that the MEMS in not my
main topic). Therefore, you are all right, that I can just ignore these
I just believe that people should investigate a little bit more time to
ask on this list. Independent of the background and knowledge everyone
is able to ask in a normal polite manner.
Furthermore, an email-list like this could be a valuable knowledge-base
(that's the reason I follow this list) for everyone but only if
questions and answers allows readers to understand and follow what was
However, I know I can not change it and the topic will (as mention
already) pop up again and again in future.
Maybe a wiki could help to do the job a little better. Those who like to
help and to share experience could create detailed articles, receipts
and How-To-docs on this wiki and the list could be used to discuss
things in more detail.
This will not prevent some people to ask still "three-line" questions.
However, at least you could give a "three-line" answer then
Dear Friend
Please read the wiki [link].
Best regards
Just my two cents and please I don't want to start a flame war.
Furthermore, it was not my intent to offend someone personal.
Very best regards to all of you