1.The standard text book model which governs the oxidation of silicon is
known as the Deal-Grove model and can be found in hundreds of books or on
the web, you can just search 'Deal-Grove Model' on Google.
2. The DG model is good for predicting oxidation for perfect furnace but not
exact, best thing to do is try and get furnace data over the passed 6months
- 1 year for your particular furnace tube and fit the data to the DG model
and extract the constants. That is probably the best way to get an accurate
estimate of oxidation time / thickness.
Good Luck,
Shay's description of a wetox recipe
On 3/9/06, Martin J Prest wrote:
> For oxide growth rate, see this:
> Select 'wet' for steam oxidation.
> I'm not an expert in this, but I guess wafers should be loaded and removed
> in a nitrogen atmosphere.