Dear Rupesh Sawant
you didn't mention the minimum structure size you want to make.
Printer DPI(Dot per inch) cannot be trustable. You can print on transparency
film for mask but you need to gradually scale down and decide achievable
resolution with your printer.
It is pretty hard to achieve less than ~40um line with transparency film.
Printed transparency mask also have many problems to be overcomed
If you can pay more than $20, you can try film mask. It can handle up to ~10um
and more reliable than transparency mask.
Good luck
Rupesh Sawant wrote:
I wanted to pattern microfluidic channels on a glass substrates. For
that i require to know the mask used. i am just giving a thought over
the trasnparency mask. for that i need to know the minimum resolution
of the printer which is used and the necessary details related to
transparency mask. so if anyone in this group is having an experience
with transparency mask then pls give me detail information about it.