Hi Jiaxing,
Pls. consult with your equipment in-charge for dry etching of II-VI material.
It is not favored in most of labs since Alkali Metals and Alkaline Earths (I and
II) with RIE tend to form involatile materials
(such as LiNbO3, Barium titanante, Lead Zicronate, most ferroelectrics)
Eric Tang Xiaosong
SERC Nanofabrication and Characterization
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
Tel: 65-68748077
Fax: 65-67741042
Email: [email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: jiaxing Yang [ mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 9:48 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mems-talk] Question about the mask for RIE etching
I am thinking about RIE dry etching of my II-VI
semiconductors(ZnSe and ZnCdSe based), the gas mixture
from literature I found is CH4:H2. My question is, can
I use PMMA as mask? it looks like some photoresis or
metals work.
Any one hes the idea of the mask choosing?