I know that sulfur hexafluoride has a high breakdown, but I don't know about
the permitivity. You may want to check this gas out. It is used in RF
plasma systems for etching silicon.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Doggen
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, March 16, 1998 10:33 PM
Subject: information
>Dear madam, sir,
>We are three engineering students from Antwerp (Belgium) at the "Karel
>de Grote Hogeschool", department industrial sciences and technologies.
>This is our second year and we have a project for electronics and
>For this project we have to make an electronic nose (a device that can
>detect a gas or fragrance). We are trying to gather as much of
>information as possible. Therefor we are looking for informations
>about organic / inorganic gasses with large relative permittivity and
>large breakdown voltage.
>We would like to thank you in advance and hoping for an early reply,
>we remain
>yours faithfully,
>Hans Doggen
>Raf Delaedt
>Patrick Durant
>Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com