1/2 mm is in the realm of diamond drill bit size. If you need to make just
a few vias and your positioning is in the realm of millimeters, then you
can do it yourself with a diamond bit, a drill press and a box that will
hold your wafer, and some water to keep it wet. You may be able to get an
optical machine shop to do it for a reasonable price.
I guess it depends on how many holes you need to make, how accurate their
size needs to be, and how accurately they need to be positioned.
Jesse Fowler
"Mohammed El-Tanani" wrote:
Subject Re: [mems-talk] Via hole on glass/Quartz
Dear Shay and All;
Thanks a lot for the benifitial answer and companies link. I want to make
via which is <=0.5mm, so do you have any further sugeestion?
Thanks a bunch