I don't attach the transparency to the glass. I usually put the glass in
the aligner mask chuck, load my substrate, then lay my transparency on
the substrate. When the substrate gets pushed up to the glass, the
transparency gets pinned between. That only works if you're exposing
once and don't have to worry about alignment. If you need to align stuff
though, then I think taping the corners of the transparency to the glass
would be your best bet.
Rupesh Sawant wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> What method did you use to fix the transparency mask
> to the soda lime glass. Did you just use tapes to fix it to the soda
> lime glass or did you use glue for it.
> On 6/22/06, Joseph Grogan wrote:
>> Check the transmission curve for different types of glass and pick one
>> that passes the wavelength your photoresist is sensitive to. I just use
>> a large slide (soda lime glass) and it works fine for me.
>> -Joe Grogan