Not knowing the substrate material nor geometry.I am going to give you an
idea that works well for us.
The alignment marks that exxt for the first layer.Drill /etch or microblast
(this is what we do) A small hole in the center of that mark.
Now you have identification marks for the other side,,and you can
If you have extreme needs for accuracy the size of the via linits somewhat
the resolution for the other side.
However this idea works, it saves a ton of money over IR systems.
Good luck.
[email protected]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrea Mazzolari"
To: "General MEMS discussion"
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 12:46 PM
Subject: [mems-talk] photolithography: Front-To-Back Alignment
> Hi all, I have a single sided mask aligner and i need to make a
> photolithography with front anb back aligned.
> I'm looking for informations (articles or books) which describe techniques
> to do this with a single sided mask aligner. Can someone suggest some good
> article or book ?
> Thanks!
> Andrea