To make really-round channel, we once tried the idea of embedding an
optical fiber into the PDMS or Su-8. After the material was half baked,
we pulled out the fiber and thus formed a round channel. To avoid to
peel off the material surrounding the fiber, we tried to apply some oil
to the fiber surface before embedding. We got many straight channels
successfully, but couldn't form structure complicated more than a
straight line.
Best regards,
Simon Xuming Zhang (Dr)
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Hi all,
Someone asked about how to fabricate a rounded microchannel and got some
good responses. I would like to push this question further for my own
research. I need a real rounded (360 degree) microchannel network with
the smallest channel having the diameter of 5 micron. With the
photoresist reflow technology, what we really get is a half rounded
channel. Of course, I can bond two of them together, but the alignment
would be very difficult with the tolerance of less than 1 micron.
anyone has any suggestions?