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Replied: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 14:06:41 PDT
Replied: Greg Bogart
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Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 18:47:30
From: Greg Bogart
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [SiC and quartz materials]
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[email protected] wrote:
> Dear friends;
> Can anyone suggest the name (e-maill address, phone number, etc..) of
> SiC and quartz manufacturers for me ?
> Thank you very much.
> Wei Su
A simple search at www.altavista.digital.com or other search engine will get you
Here are a few that make wafers. Carbide coaters will be different. Also check
the Thomas Register.
2. Thomas Register of American Manufacturers
[URL: www.thomasregister.com/olc/usfab/footer_msg.cgi]
1. HITEN: Silicon Carbide Wafer Suppliers
[URL: www.hiten.com/hiten/categories/SIC/wafer.html]
Silicon Carbide Wafer Suppliers. Provided by HITEN
[updated on 11 July
1997] Until recently the only commercial source of
silicon carbide wafers
was Cree..
Last modified 15-Aug-97 - page size 6K - in English [
Translate ]
2. Wafer Technology: Silicon Carbide
[URL: www.wafertech.co.uk/data/SiC.html]
Wafer Tech Products. 'Epi Ready' GaAs GaSb InAs InP InP
'Pre-pull' InSb
Polycrystalline GaAs InP Specialist Indium
Last modified 12-Nov-97 - page size 2K - in English [
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3. SiCrystal AG
[URL: www.sicrystal.de/]
SiCrystal, Silicon Carbide, SiC, Wafer, Doping, Gallium
Nitride, GaN,
epitaxy, epitaxial layer, substrate, 4H-SiC, 6H-SiC,
15R-SiC, 21R-SiC,
Last modified 17-Mar-98 - page size 1K - in English [
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8. Cree Research: What's New?
[URL: www.cree.com/rcd/standard/whatsne10.htm]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Contact: Jodi Shelton. Audrey
McGinnis. J.
Shelton Associates. Ph: (972)239-5119. Fax:
(972)774-4577. Company
Earns $0.03 Per Share.
Last modified 9-Apr-98 - page size 7K - in English [
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