for those cases where bubble formation is a real problem the January 1998
issue of the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (published by
Institute of Physics, www.iop.org) contains an interesting article by T.
Baum and D. Schiffrin: "AFM study of surface finish improvement by
ultrasound in the anisotropic etching of Si <100> in KOH".
They use an ultrasonic bath and additives like isopropanol to facilitate
the detachment of H2 bubbles from the etched surface and achieve a
considerable decrease of surface roughness.
Maybe this works for you, too.
Best regards,
Jan Lichtenberg
Advanced Micromachining Tools
A.-Feuerbach-Str. 6
67227 Frankenthal
Tel: +49-6233-4362-16
Fax: +49-6233-4362-14