Hi ,
I experienced very poor adhesion of SU-8 on Si-Nitride, it is not very
on glass and Si as well.
Concerning the fact that AP300 deposits a very thin layer of Ti-Oxide,
I deposited
10 A of Ti by evaporation onto SiN and glass. This layer greatly enhanced
the adhesion of SU-8.
Anyway, a longer PEB at lower temperature is very good to avoid
excessive stress.
Some structures I bake at 60 deg C for 12 hours, then switch off the
hotplate and allow it
to cool down slowly. This is mandatory if the development process takes
some hours.
Best regards
Peter Svasek
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems
Gusshausstrasse 27-29/366
A-1040 Vienna
Brubaker Chad schrieb:
>There is an adhesion promoter available for SU-8:
>AP300 from Silicon Resources (siliconresources.com).