Hi all,
I am trying to fabricate a device which uses an in-plane two-arm cantilever to
rip apart a thin 100nm thick Gold bridge, which is evaporated onto the SU-8
cantilever. This gold bridge stretches between the cantilever and another
platform also made of SU-8.
I have read that a thin film of gold (of thickness 300nm) has peak tensile
stress of 300MPa and experiences a strain of 0.05 before it breaks. So the SU-8
cantilever needs to exert such a force on the Gold bridge to break it.
Since the gold also sits on the SU-8 and might be sheared off the SU-8 as the
cantilever moves laterally, I would like to ask whether anyone has any
information on the bond shear strength of Gold on SU-8 (I have read that the
bond pull strength of Gold on SU-8 is 4.8MPa, but I would like to know what the
bond shear strength is).
Mr. Jeffrey Mun Pun YUE
Division of Bioengineering
Block E3, #05-18, Nanobioanalytics Lab
9 Engineering Drive 1
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117576