Try Maxim DC to DC convertor chips. Depending on the power level you may
need to use external C and L for high voltage work
Wen Ko
>Does anyone knows a company which sells small low-to-high-voltage dc
>converting circuits in IC size ?
>We are looking for a device which can produce a few hundred volts dc output
>for a 24 V dc input. Applications are for electrostatic and piezoelectric
>All suggestions are welcome!
>Wouter van der Wijngaart
>Kungl. Tekniska H gskolan Tel: +46 - (0)8 - 790 66 13
>S3, Elektrisk m tteknik Fax: +46 - (0)8 - 10 08 58
>100 44 Stockholm Minicall: +46 - (0)740 - 26 71 28
>Sweden e-mail: [email protected]