Hello original poster!
I can't find the original email about this, but if I remember properly,
the poster wants to deposit onto un-crosslinked (unexposed SU-8).
Something important to think about is what effect the brightly glowing
source is going to have on your photosensitive substrate.
I don't know if the source glows at the proper wavelength to expose SU-8,
but I do know that it's bright enough that we don't look at it without a
welding glass. At least, in an evaporator.
I understand there's a glowing plasma in a sputterer, as well. But, I
don't know how bright that is.
Is your process going to get messed up if the SU-8 is exposed by the metal
deposition method?
What if it's only partially exposed?
If so, you're probably going to have to do a few experiments to find a
Jesse Fowler