Hi Peter,
PVC tank liners are necessary, in my opinion.
Also, indirect heating like a water jacket, is necessary for extended bath
Otherwise, follow the recipe from R & H. pH, [Ni] & [H2PO2-].
One must monitor bath turnovers, especially when plating on aluminum. The
[Zn] will increase with use as will the [HPO32-]. A bath that's too old may
result in blisters or pits.
Too much agitation can cause edge pull back.
Good luck Peter,
Dave Roberts (Wafer Plating Specialist)
Prodigy Surface Tech
Santa Clara, CA
-----Original Message-----
From: P.E.M. Kuijpers [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 10:58 PM
To: General MEMS discussion
Subject: RE: [mems-talk] Au electroplating
Hi Dave,
Outplating is mainly on the heater element/holder (we do use direct
and also on the bottom/sidewalls of the tank.
According to R&H, this is caused by roughning of the tank
Can you also give some suggestion/guidelines to maintain the bath?