Dear All,
I plan use XeF2 etch silicon. The XeF2 is designed to go through several
3*5um holes of photoresist and then etch away the silicon underneath. I
want the etched area to be 20um in radius. I heated up the XeF2 to
75C-95C during the etching process, the pressure during etching is
around 4 torr, I flush the XeF2 every 10 min, and got the sample sitting
in the gas for 40 min, but I still get very limited etching area through
the holes. I wonder if anyone have experience on XeF2 etching silicon,
can you give me some suggestion? the temperature? the pressure? or is it
because the holes are so small that limit the etching area?
Thanks a lot!
Bin Liu
PhD Candidate
Electrical and Computer Engineer Department
Duke University
Box 90291
Durham, NC 27708
Tel: (919)660-5567
Fax: (919)660-5293
Email:[email protected]