Hi Le
Some of the most important aspects about why piezoelectric materials are
not used for silicon-microphone applications are the following:
1) the sensitivity of the microphone is poor (<<10 mV/Pa)
2) the frequency responce is not flat in the entire audio frequency range
3) usually piezoelectric materials are not standar materials in the IC
fabrication process.
However, Yoy can read some papers:
i) R. S. Muller, Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on solid state sensors and
actuators, pp. 107-111, Tokyo, 1987
ii) E. S Kim et al, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on solid state sensors and
actuators, pp. 270-273, San Francisco, 1991
iii) G. M. Sessler, Sensors and Actuators 25-27 (1991) 323-330
iv) P. R. Scheeper et al, Sensors and Actuators A, 44 (1994) 1-11
best regards
Dr. Federico Sandoval
P.O. Box 51, 72000, Puebla Pue, Mexico
Fax: +52 (22) 47 05 17
On Wed, 15 Jul 1998, Le Touze Christophe wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> Among the different kinds of micromachined silicon microphones
> dedicated to human speech, we are interested in the
> piezoelectric type using thin film PZT (lead zirconate titanate)
> piezo-electric ceramic.
> But it seems that PZT films on Si-wafer are mainly used as force
> sensors, ultrasonic micro-actuators, acoustic imaging or sonar
> transducers.
> Is there any particular reason to explain this?
> Please send me any suggestion on that subject.
> Thank you !
> Christophe LE TOUZE.
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