Additional suggestions:
Make sure you are using HMDS adhesion promoter (vapor prime works best).
Make sure your softbake is at least 3 minutes at >105ÂșC. If possible, you'll
also want to do a ramped softbake (ramped proximity, if available) to avoid
rapid vaporization of the solvent in the resist.
You'll want to make sure that your exposure dose is at least:
If broadband, >200 mJ/cm2 as measured at i-line (remember, even through
the measurement is at i-line, you are still providing g- and h-line, to which
AZ9260 is also sensetive).
If narrow band (i-line, g-line), use at least 600mJ/cm2 as the gentleman below
You may also ant to provide a delay time between coat-expose and expose-develop
to allow time for re-hydration of the film as well. It could be between 5 and
30 minutes, depending on clean-room humidity (I live in Arizona, and was
previously in a non-humidity controlled cleanroom; needless to say, I was on the
long end of this time).
When properly soft-baked, AZ9260 is a very high-contrast material (and capable
high aspect ratios >5:1 as well), and should not be prone to attack to a 1:4
400K solution. The gentleman below recommends 1:2.5; this will shorten the
develop time, but makes the process envelope much smaller, since the higher
concentration is much more prone to attack the un-exposed region.
Best Regards,
Chad Brubaker
EV Group invent * innovate * implement
Senior Process Engineer - Technology - Tel: 480.727.9635, Fax: 480.727.9700
e-mail: [email protected],
-----Original Message-----
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
On Behalf Of Yue Mun Pun, Jeffrey
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 8:15 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mems-talk] Developer for AZ9260
I am trying to pattern gold metal lines (100microns width) via lift-off
using AZ9260 resist. The gold thickness is about 600nm. After spiining the
AZ9260 at about 2400rpm for 60s, I discovered that the resist is about
7-8micorns thick, which is sufficiently thick for the lift-off process.
May I know which developer is recommended? I use AZ400K Developer :DI water
in the ration of 1:4 for 8-9 mins and found that this works but the timing
is very critical because a shorter time results in resist remaining and a
longer time than this causes my patterns to be lifted off in the development