Seung-Seob Lee, then a PhD student in BSAC of UC Berkeley has
worked on PZT on silicon based microphone and microspeakers. He
was under the advisory of Prof Richard White (If not Prof.
Richard Muller) and have graduated for a couple of years. Seung
or his advisor can tell you more of whether or why microphones of
that technology are not being pursued.
Patrick Cheung, research scientist Xerox PARC, MS 35-1674
(O) 650-812-4338 (FAX) 650-812-4334 3333 Coyote Hill Road
[email protected] Palo Alto, CA 94304
>> >>
>> >>
On Wed, 15 Jul 1998, Le Touze Christophe wrote:
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Among the different kinds of micromachined silicon microphones
dedicated to human speech, we are interested in the
piezoelectric type using thin film PZT (lead zirconate titanate)
piezo-electric ceramic.
But it seems that PZT films on Si-wafer are mainly used as force
sensors, ultrasonic micro-actuators, acoustic imaging or sonar
Is there any particular reason to explain this?
Please send me any suggestion on that subject.
Thank you !
Christophe LE TOUZE.
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