I haven't looked into it much, but (regarding the statement below) I'm pretty
sure SU-8 will delaminate in any KOH etch of moderate length. I assume KPMR
behaves the same, if not worse.
Anyone looked into this, or found a solution?
- Kevin
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] on behalf of Frank Yaghmaie
Sent: Tue 10/2/2007 6:48 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mems-talk] Photoresist as etch mask! (Nitin Shukla)
Nearly all positive tone resists patterns are dissolved in TMAH or
KOH at standard concentrations used for Silicon etch. As such, they
can not be used as etch mask for Silicon wet etch processes even at
room temp. They are much more effective when used in wet acid etch
image transfer steps.
Negative tone resists such as SU8 or KMPR have some advantage over
positive tone resist for your application, yet for wet Silicon etch,
you may want to consider a hard mask, preferably Silicon-Nitride
( Si3N4) or Silicon-Oxide ( Thermal SiO2) .