Hi all
Several days ago I asked some questions on SU-8 process on PECVD SiO2.
At that moment, my major problem is that SU-8 keeps peeling off from
Si Sub which is covered with PECVD SiO2 during the development, while
the same process on bared Si is no problem. (The reason I still not
very sure)
My way is to get a 5mins O2 plasma treatment on sample, and all the
baking sections (65-95C) use ramping rather than change the
temperature immediately. For my case, SU-8 2050
1) O2 plasma 100w 5 mins on Sub
2) Dehydrate 200C for 15mins
3) Spin coat SU-8 2050 at 4000rpm
4) Softbake: 65C 10mins, 95C 20 mins (ramping, and cool to room temperature-RT)
5) Exposure 45s at 7mW/cm2
6) PEB: RT to 65C stay for 10mins, ramp to 95C stay for another
30mins and cool to RT
7) Develop 3 mins with rinse in IPA
8) Hardbake: RT to 150C stay for 15 mins
Hope this recipe could help you out of such SU-8 problem which I
suffered in the last several weeks. and if anyone know the reason why
the different performance happens on PECVD SiO2 and bare Si (with
native oxide layer), I appreciate your sharing to us!
Thanks and good luck!