> I have worked the acceleration sensor.
> My questions are
> 1. the method of vertical KOH etching on (110) Si wafer.
> 2. the etching rate of vertical KOH etching on (110) Si wafer.
> I wish your advices and informations.
> Thank you so much for reading my mail.
> e-mail address; [email protected]
The vertical trenches are only produced on two direction. These are
35.26° and 144.73 degree, if the flat is in 110-direction. The etch
rates of the 111-planes are nearby zero, if you hit exactly the
directions (mask misalignment). Furthermore is the design of such
structures more complicate compared with 100-silicon, because of the
non existing 8-times symmetry of 110-silicon.
For more information about the orientation dependent etching please
see also our web page http://gemac.c.ntg.de/mst_eng.htm or contact me
once more.
With kind regards
Dirk Zielke
Dirk Zielke
Matthesstrasse 53
09113 Chemnitz
Tel.: +49 371 3377 131
Fax.: +49 371 3377 272
email: [email protected]
http://gemac.c.ntg.de (Deutsch)
http://gemac.c.ntg.de/mst_eng.htm (English)