I don't feel like starting a religious war on the credibility of
Wikipedia and its data. I will just mention, that the actual data is
from another source, as referenced in the original text:
As for the equation, that actually was from Wikipedia, I mostly included
the link to include some description and explanation of the theory
behind it. The equation should not be new to any physicist, I hope. For
people, who desire another reference, please look up the excellent book
by David J. Griffiths, 'Introduction to Electrodynamics'. I can't
recommend that book enough, but it seems rather over the top to order it
from amazon to check a formula. The equation in question can be found on
page 275 (3rd ed.) as (6.32).
Satyanarayan Nagarajan wrote:
> Data from wikipedia needs some care. Many times the information posted on Wiki
is not moderated - so a double check is always good.