The 1-30 Ohm*cm resistivity is OK. Make sure you have good ohmic contact
between your metal probe pads and silicon, that the comb structure is
released, there are no electrical shorts, etc.
On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 7:23 PM, wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to actuate a comb-actuator. However, I was not able to see
> any movement under Karl Suss probe station.
> The resistivity of my SOI wafer is 1-30 Ohmcm. Dopant tytpe is P/Boron.
> The wafer is from ULTRASIL.
> I am applying a static voltage differenece, i am not interested about
> dynamic voltages for now. Is it a problem to use 1-30 Ohmcm
> resistivity Silicon.