we haven't made 1000um coatings, but here are a couple things we do that
might help:
-we do a piranha strip and an Buffer Oxide Etch on the wafers before hand.
There will be a lot of thermal stress for that thick a coating, so you'll
need it to bond really well.
-make sure to bake the wafer at 200C before coating to dehydrate it.
-we spincoat, remove the residue from the bottom of the wafer, then let
them sit on a flat surface overnight in a petri dish. This lets the
resist relax and smooth out before the soft bake and has worked well for
-going to too low an rpm for the spin is difficult, but around 800 rpm
works for us.
-if there is a way, it might be worth making a sacrificial wafer as a test
wafer to get the right exposure time. I'm not sure how much data there is
on SU8 that thick. If there is a way to expose parts of the wafer for
different amounts of time, you only have to waste one wafer.
-for you bakes, let them ramp down after the 95C bake to reduce thermal
Eric Johnston
Department of Bioengineering
University of Pennsylvania
On Sun, 13 Apr 2008, Abhishek Jain wrote:
> Dear forum members
> I want to make 1mm thick structures on SU8 for doing soft lithography with
> PDMS later on. It is only one mask and just straight channels.
> I have SU8 2075 with me and I am trying to find a recipe for doing this. If
> anyone has experience in dealing with this, I will truly appreciate if you
> may give some insight on the method...