Hello Kevin,
do you have also any information about photoresists which could be used to
mask stainless steel ?
Do you have any information about the etch rate ?
Many thanks,
> Novak,
> According to CRC's Handbook of Metal Etchants (pg. 198), an aqueous Ferric
> Chloride solution may work. To quote: "Solution used as a general etch for
> metals to include irons, steel, and nickel." The concentration is
> annoyingly
> given in terms of density (30-35 Baume). Temperature is "RT to hot."
> I know you can get this stuff cheaply in most PCB etching kits, so no
> problem there. As for what it will do to magnesium diboride though... no
> idea.
> If that turns out to be problematic, perhaps try an electrochemical etch
> instead?