If you want deposit 20 micron only best suitable way is electroplating. But its
not advisable to go for electroplating with gold/platinum in terms of cost.
Normally Cu/Ni cane deposited easily with above method. If you are more specific
why you are using W may be senior members of the group can help you.
Kallempudi Sreenivasa Saravan
PhD student, Electronics Engineering,
1054, FENS, Sabanci University,
Orhanli, 34956,
Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey.
-Hi all,
i need to deposit about 20um of any metal on tungsten.
Could someone suggest a metal which have good adhesion to tungsten and an
appropriate deposition technique ?
For my understanding Titanium deposited by electrodeposition should work
fine, but i don't have a big experience.
Many thanks,