In order to do CPD after Si etch in BOE my recipe is as follows:
1. after BOE put in DI water for 5min
2. DI water for 5min
3. ethanol and water 1:1 for 5min
4. ehtanol and water 3:1 for 5min
5. pure ethanol for 5min
6. pure ethanol for 5min and transfer to CPD
each step in different beeker
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jack Mulligan"
To: "'General MEMS discussion'"
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: [mems-talk] Critical Dry
> Rama -
> Since water is not miscible in acetone what is most likely happening
> inside
> what I assume is an atmospheric dryer is the acetone vapor is leaving the
> surfaces at a much faster rate leaving the water behind on the surfaces to
> evaporative dry which leaves watermarks or spots which can cause striation
> problems.
> We have a solution for this using our proprietary vacuum process. Feel
> free
> to write me for more information. I am careful not to put too much
> information in an email that might be seen as using the discussion board
> for
> commercial purposes.
> Thanks.
> Jack Mulligan
> HyperFlo
> [email protected]