Microrobotics and Micromechanical Systems Conference, FINAL CALL FOR
Karl-Friedrich Bohringer
Microrobotics and Micromechanical Systems Conference
(Part of SPIE's Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing Symposium,
October 22-26, 1995, Philadelphia, PA.)
Conference Chair:
Lynne E. Parker, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Program Committee:
Karl Bohringer, Cornell University
Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University (Japan)
Blake Hannaford, Univ. of Washington
William Harwin, Univ. of Delaware
Jonathan Mills, Indiana University
Jeff Wendlandt, Univ. of California at Berkeley
Recent advances in micromechanical systems have spurred the development of
microrobots that may some day perform a variety of useful tasks impossible to
achieve with existing robotic technologies. Armies of microrobots offer the
potential advantages of cost effectiveness, improved performance, mass
production, collective intelligence, and speed over existing macrorobotic
technologies. This conference focuses on recent developments in microrobotics
and enabling technologies in microsensors, microactuators, and micro power
supplies for robots ranging in size from millimeters to centimeters. Emphasis
is placed on new concepts in the design, integration, control, and application
of miniature robots.
Papers are solicited in the following and related areas:
* Mobility and manipulation mechanisms
* Miniature sensing technologies
* Micro power supplies
* System integration
* Robot motion control, fine motion, and collective behaviors
* Multiple robot cooperation and architectures
* Robot benchmarks in realistic environments and task scenarios
* Novel applications: e.g. service, medical, science, surveillance,
agricultural, manufacturing
Abstract Due Date (extended): 7 April 1995
Send abstract via E-mail to [email protected] (ASCII format);
or fax one copy to SPIE at 360/647-1445;
or mail four copies to:
Photonics East '95
SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010 USA
Shipping address: 1000 20th St., Bellingham, WA 98225 USA
Telephone 360/676-3290 Anonymous FTP: spie.org
Conditions for Acceptance
- Authors are expected to secure travel and accommodation funding, independent
of SPIE, through their sponsoring organizations before submitting abstracts.
- Only original material should be submitted.
- Commercial papers, descriptions of papers, with no research content, and
papers where supporting data or a technical description cannot be given for
proprietary reasons will not be accepted for presentation in this symposium.
- Abstracts should contain enough detail to clearly convey the approach and the
results of the research.
- Government and company clearance to present and publish should be final at
the time of submittal.
- Applicants will be notified of acceptance by 3 July 1995.
Your abstract should include the following:
2. AUTHOR LISTING (principal author first)
Full names and affiliations.
Mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail address.
4. SUBMIT TO:(Conference Title) (Conference Chair)
at Intelligent Systems and Advance Manufacturing/Photonics East '95
Indicate your preference for "Oral Presentation" or "Poster Presentation."
Placement subject to chairs' discretion.
6. ABSTRACT TEXT: 250 words.
7. BRIEF BIOGRAPHY (principal author only) 50 to 100 words.
Paper Review
To assure a high quality conference, all abstracts and Proceedings papers will
be reviewed by the Conference Chairs for technical merit and content.
Proceedings of These Meetings
These meetings will result in published Proceedings that can be ordered through
the Advance Program. Camera ready manuscripts are required of all accepted
applicants and must be submitted in English by 31 July 1995 or 25 September
1995. Copyright to the manuscript is expected to be released for publication in
the conference Proceedings. Note: If an author does not attend the meeting and
make a presentation, the chair may opt not to publish the author's manuscript
in the conference proceedings. Proceedings papers are indexed in leading
scientific databases including INSPEC, Compendex Plus, Physics Abstracts,
Chemical Abstracts, International Aerospace Abstracts, and Index to Scientific
and Technical Proceedings.
Manuscript due dates must be strictly observed. Whether the Proceedings volume
will be published before or after the meeting, late manuscripts run the risk of
not being published. The objective of this policy is to better serve the
conference participants and the technical community at large. Your cooperation
in supporting this objective will be appreciated by all.
CHAIR/Author Benefits
Chairs/authors/co-authors are accorded a reduced-rate registration fee.
Included with fee payment are a copy of the Proceedings in which the
participant's role or paper appears, a complimentary one-year nonvoting
membership in SPIE (if never before a member), and other special benefits.
Interactive poster sessions will be scheduled. All conference chairs encourage
authors to contribute papers with technical content that lends itself well to
the poster format. Please indicate your preference on the abstract.
Oral Presentation
Each author is generally allowed 15 minutes plus a five-minute discussion
period. SPIE will provide the following media equipment free of charge: 35 mm
carousel slide projectors, overhead projectors, electric pointers, and video
equipment (please give at least two weeks advance notice).
Abstract Due Date: 10 April 1995
Manuscript Due Date: 25 September 1995
Abstract and manuscript due dates must be strictly observed.