Hi Kevin,
The easiest method is vapor-phase SAM (self-assembled monolayer).
Perfluorinated silanes can give you >110 deg contact angles on glass.
Depending on your glass material you may need to use some adhesion layers
(to get better surface coverage and enhance stability of coating against
contacts with liquids). You may coat open microchannel or even buried
channel (fully assembled device). Let me know if you have any questions or
need help.
Boris Kobrin, Ph.D.
Sr. Director, Marketing & Business Development
Applied Microstructures, Inc.
Office: 408 907-2885 x2805
Mobile: 408 806-6859
[email protected]
Message: 3
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 09:34:28 +0200
From: Kevin Paul Nichols
Subject: [mems-talk] Silanizing a Glass Microchannel
To: General MEMS discussion
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
As a follow-up to the question below (silanizing PDMS):
Does anyone have any advice for silanizing a glass microchannel? All that
matters for me is contact angle (the higher the better), so other
suggestions are appreciated as well. Any specific protocol details would be
Kevin Paul Nichols