Have you tried doing a brief descum or surface plasma etch prior to
developing? In the past when I used an iodine solution to etch
electroplated gold this usually helped.
Brad Cantos
On 9/2/08 3:44 PM, "[email protected]" wrote:
> I did some research on positive resist development but could not find
> any literature that shows what the development mechanism is of the
> indene-carboxylic acid photoproduct. Am I to assume that it's a straight
> redox reaction (we use NaOH for our developer) producing a soluble salt
> by-product and water?
> On a related note, I am trying to develop a flood expose and develop
> strip system to remove photoresist (using a mercury arc lamp as an exposure
> source and our current developer to strip). It worked well in the initial
> stages, but now we are getting some residue which seems to be a result of
> the photoresist being affected by other wet processes involving
> permanganate and/or iodine. Would increasing NaOH concenration help
> dissolve the resist? Your thoughts are appreciated.