All it sounds like they're describing is dissolving some PMMA in acetone
(which it's readily soluble in), then placing a few droplets of that on a
glass slide and letting it evaporate. It could be done with something as
simple as a pipette. It won't be very uniform, but it will be a film of
- Kevin
> From: Dazhong Wu
> Organization: Illinois Institute of Technology
> Reply-To: General MEMS discussion
> Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2008 23:42:00 -0600
> To: mems-talk
> Subject: [mems-talk] How to prepare PMMA films
> Hi there,
> Does anyone have experience of depositing PMMA on glass slide to prepare PMMA
> films?
> I got the following information in a reference:
> " depositing droplets of 10g of PMMA in 15g of acetone on glass slide and
> letting acetone evaporate over a few days"
> But what exact deposit method should I use? what instrument should I use? I
> have no this kind of knowledge before, So I appreciate someone can tell me the
> details.
> Sincerely,
> Dazhong