I have a Al-1mic (M2), SiO2 - 2mic (D1), and Al-1mic (M2) stack on a silicon
wafer. I have to etch a 100 mic x 200 mic slot through wafer. We have ICP, RIE,
AOE tools in our lab for oxide, si, metal etch. I can not use metal mask. I
tried using a thick resist of up to 10mic and etched through the stack and I am
seeing micro masking. I am not sure through if this micro masking will be a
problem if I continue to silicon etch! But are there any suggestion where I can
avoid the micro-masking? Most likely it is being introduced during oxide etch
which is penetrating O2 or Fl into M2 layer.
Please let me know if you guys have any suggestions. Email to me at
[email protected]