Can you etch through the wafer from the backside?
2008/9/19, Shaikh, Fayaz A :
> Hi,
> I have a Al-1mic (M2), SiO2 - 2mic (D1), and Al-1mic (M2) stack on a silicon
> wafer. I have to etch a 100 mic x 200 mic slot through wafer. We have ICP,
> RIE, AOE tools in our lab for oxide, si, metal etch. I can not use metal
> mask. I tried using a thick resist of up to 10mic and etched through the
> stack and I am seeing micro masking. I am not sure through if this micro
> masking will be a problem if I continue to silicon etch! But are there any
> suggestion where I can avoid the micro-masking? Most likely it is being
> introduced during oxide etch which is penetrating O2 or Fl into M2 layer.
> Please let me know if you guys have any suggestions. Email to me at
> [email protected]
> Fayaz
Best regards,
Yours sincerely
Fei Wang
Postdoctoral researcher, Dr
MIC - Department of Micro and Nanotechnology
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
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