Questions regarding silane coating and surface cleaning
Boris Kobrin
The easiest way to treat Silicon to render it hydrophobic is vapor
deposition of silanes.
The quality (cleanliness) of the substrate material is critical for
achieving a good coverage.
You may contact me for further details.
Boris Kobrin, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist
Office: 408 907-2885 x2805
Mobile: 408 806-6859
[email protected]
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 07:53:33 +0900
From: ???
Subject: [mems-talk] Questions regarding silane coating and surface cleaning
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ks_c_5601-1987"
I'm trying to treat Silicon wafers or PDMS with Silane to make it
As far as I recall, all I need is a dessicator.
But someone told me that I need a plasma asher for it.
Is this true? How exactly do I coat Silane on surfaces?
Also, I'm trying to purchase a cost effective plasma system for Silicon,
glass and PDMS surface cleaning.
My second question is: is a microwave type oxygen plasma system good enough
for surface cleaning?
Thank you!