Mr Yan Xin,
I will try to answer your questions.
1 the damping of the system composed of viscous
damping,thermoelastic damping and anchor losses,
but shall i need consider all the damping for the
damping coefficient in the motion equations or just
consider the viscous damping only?
--Consider all mechanisms. But if you don't adopt
vacuum packaging, the viscous damping will dominate.
2 how to calculate or deduce the viscous
damping(couette damping,squeeze
damping) of the device under the different pressure?
--A lot of papers deal with that problem. Some
examples are:
Slide damping: Timo Veijola, et al, Compact damping
models for laterally moving microstructures with gas
rarefaction effects, JMEMS vol.10, No.2, 2001.
Squeeze damping: Minhang Bao, et al, Squeeze film air
damping in MEMS, Sensors and actuators A 136(2007)
3 Does anyone knows a good paper to discuss the
deduction of the viscous damping?
--- Refer to the answer above.
--- Yan Xin wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> i meet a damping calculation problem when i design a
> microgyroscope, i
> found several damping models in some thesises, but i
> got many exactly
> different results with their equations in the same
> condition. It's my first
> time to design the inertial sensor and with no
> experience in the clean room,
> so i have no idea how different the device
> performance will be by
> this exactly different results.
> My questions are :
> 1 the damping of the system composed of viscous
> damping,thermoelastic damping and anchor losses,
> but shall i need consider all the damping for the
> damping coefficient in
> the motion equations or just consider the viscous
> damping only?
> 2 how to calculate or deduce the viscous
> damping(couette damping,squeeze
> damping) of the device under the different pressure?
> 3 Does anyone knows a good paper to discuss the
> deduction of the viscous
> damping?
> Thank you for suggestion,
> Sincerely yours,
> XinYan