Is three is differences between BOE and HF solution
(10-48%) for etching native oxide layer?
Dear James,
"Obviously HF etching is isotropic (etches in all directions) so to reduce
the undercut of patterned features one should choose an BOE concentration
and etch time accordingly."
I think BOE etching is also isotropic. So, why do you think it can help with
better undercut profile?
2008/11/13 James Paul Grant
> Hello Moshe,
> Perhaps this is a simplistic view however the major difference between BOE
> and 49% HF is their etch rate.
> 49% HF will etch much faster than 5:1 BOE which in turn will etch much
> faster than 10:1 BOE. Might I suggest you have a look at the (in my view)
> excellent paper, "Etch Rates for Micromachining Processing -Part II" by Kirt
> Williams (Journal od Micromechanical systems Vol. 12, No. 6 December 2003).
> The native oxide on silicon is only 20 A thick and 10: 1 BOE will remove
> native oxide at around 20 nm/minute so I would use this BOE for around 30
> seconds.
> Obviously HF etching is isotropic (etches in all directions) so to reduce
> the undercut of patterned features one should choose an BOE concentration
> and etch time accordingly.
> James
Best regards,
Yours sincerely
Fei Wang
Postdoctoral researcher, Dr
MIC - Department of Micro and Nanotechnology
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
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