Hello Andrea,
I echo Edward Sebesta's comments about using any photoresist outside its
specifications - you're asking for trouble!
Like Edward, I suggest you use an AZ photoresist, perhaps AZ4562
(thickness is ~ 6.2 microns when spun at 4000 rpm for 30 seconds).
Thicker layers, greater than 10 microns are possible, with spin speeds
as low as 1500rpm, however this greater thickness comes at the cost of
uniformity (problematic in my case since I work with small substrates
- 5 mm by 5mm). I use AZ4562 as an etch mask for deep (hundreds of
microns) silicon etching and achieve selectivities of 50 :1.
As Edward also mentioned the technical documentation from AZ is second
to none. They can send you detailed documents on substrate preparation,
resist adhesion, developer considerations etc. but perhaps the most
relevant document (for your situation) they make available is on thick
resist processing.
Andrea Mazzolari wrote:
> Hello all,
> i need to spin and pattern a 10um thick S1813 photoresist. I've searched
> for optimal parameters in the S1813 datasheet but could not find anything
> which could help in this direction.
> Is there someone who already have done this ?
> If it is not possible to achieve such thick S1813 layer, are there other
> photoresists which can provide this thickness and that are compatible with
> a bosch process ?
> Best regards,
> Andrea
Dr. James Paul Grant
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Microsystems Technology Group
76 Oakfield Avenue Room 3
University of Glasgow
G12 8LS
Telephone: +44(0)141 330 3374