Re: Fw: Can you drill a 3 nanometer diameter hole?
Jayant Neogi
We have been building Prototype MEMS devices using FIB's and getting a spot
size <7nm is very difficult. One can build a modified AFM/SPM kind of tip
either in (100) Silicon or metals using DC bias etching technique, which can
than be used to press against a carbon film to get the required feature
sizes (since the aspect ratio is ~1.25-1.7, it would be much easier to use
this technique rather than FIB's). If you have any other questions please
feel free to contact me.
Jayant Neogi
Director: Research and Development
NORSAM Technologies (
Ph# (503) 640-0586
Fax# (503) 640-8117
-----Original Message-----
From: Ami Chand
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, October 07, 1998 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Can you drill a 3 nanometer diameter hole?
>You may try focussed ion beam. I undersand it is possible to drill a hole
>down to 5nm using FIB. You may contact FIB International (408) 567-8068
>and their web site is:
>ami chand
>Ami Chand, Physics Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
>CA 93106, USA, Tel : 805 - 893 - 3999 ( Lab ), 805 - 893 - 8089 ( Off),
>Fax: 805 - 893 - 8315.
>On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, unifieduniverse wrote:
>> ----------
>> > From: unifieduniverse
>> > To: [email protected]
>> > Subject: Can you drill a 3 nanometer diameter hole?
>> > Date: Monday, August 31, 1998 3:29 PM
>> >
>> > Dear N. I. Sinitsyn:
>> >
>> > We are trying to fabricate a device. We need to be able to drill 3 or
>> > nanometer diameter holes in 5 or 5.1 nanometer thick carbon films or
>> > formvar or iridium foil. None of our electron microscope contacts can
>> > this. Presumably it needs a coherent electron microscope through
>> coherent
>> > field emission tip, or coherent electron microscope through nanotube
>> > electron source. We are willing to pay for this service with American
>> > dollars. Can you do it? What do you bid for one hole in one film?
>> > one hole each in 40 films?
>> >
>> > Respond as soon as you can. Or refer us to someone else you think
>> be
>> > able to do this.
>> >
>> > Thanks.
>> >
>> > Sincerely yours,
>> >
>> > Gordon Ziegler, President
>> > Coherent Electron Source, LLC
>> > 4401 37th Ave SE #17
>> > Lacey, WA 98503, USA
>> >
>> > phone (360) 459-3209
>> >
>> > fax (360) 459-3705
>> >
>> > e-mail [email protected]